Friday, February 29, 2008

Electric Shock

Everyone knows we need electricity in our life but we also must realize it can cause FATALITIES!

Do you know even a small amount of current as 500 milli amps that drawn from a 6 watt night-light bulb still can cause fatal?

Electricity or electric charges always tries to find the easiest path to the ground. It's flows easily through conductive materials such metal and water. And our body is about 70% water. That mean, electricity may easily go through our body.

Normally, electric shock causes by
improper handling, using a damaged electric appliances, faulty or damaged wire and cord insulation.

An electric shock affects our body in several ways such as
chest muscles contract, causing difficulty breathing and unconsciousness. Heartbeat interruption or heart failure. Burns which occur at the entrance and exit points of the current. Partial or total paralysis.

If an electrical emergency occurs, it’s important to ensure you're not panic and taking a correct steps without getting hurt yourself.

  • Do not touch the victim.

  • Turned off the switch and unplug the appliance from the outlet or turn off the power at the fuse box or circuit breaker.

  • Call the emergency service (999, 911, etc). Making sure to tell the them it is an electrical accident. Better if you can find someone to do so.

  • Administer first aid (CPR, if you are certified).

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