Almost of us know the use of this handy health care tool. Mostly we keep one somewhere in the house and use it when our parent or children come across an unhealthy feeling.It's really helpful when the situation happen in the middle of the night, where it's not an easy time to get a doctor just at the moment.
Basically, there are several ways to take your child's temperature: axillary (armpit), oral and rectal. Two general and most popular types of thermometers used are digital and glass mercury. However, it's not recommend a glass mercury thermometer on children due to safety issues with mercury and broken glass.
Figure 1: A fever mercury glass thermometer
The safest way to take a temperature for anyone especially for infant or young child at home is by axillary methode. Temperature is taken in the armpit (axilla).
* Place the tip of the thermometer in the armpit and hold the arm snuggly against the body.
* Wait until the digital thermometer beeps ( or follow according to manufacturer direction).
* Take the thermometer out and read it.A new design digital electronic digital thermometer is most common now aday. It's never use glass and mercury to make it safer and handy too. You can use it without to worry it tif it were broken inside the mouth.
Figure 2: A handy digital thermometer
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